ALCF User Accounts Registration
Please follow the steps provided to request a user account at the ALCF:
- Please go to and click on ‘Request an account’.
- Click ‘Proceed with account request’.
- Select the appropriate radio button, input your email address, then click ‘Proceed to next step’.
- When prompted to search for an existing account, please enter the relevant information, then hit ‘search’ to look for an existing user account.
- If no existing user account is found, hit ‘Continue with Account Request’.
- If you find an existing user account that needs to be reactivated, please fill out the form on the page, then hit the ‘Submit Reactivation Request’.
- From the ‘Project Information’ page select ‘ATPESC 2014′ then scroll to the bottom of the page, and click ‘Proceed to next step’.
- Follow the steps outlined within the account request form, making sure ALL personal information is filled in thoroughly and accurately.
- Please include any alternate addresses, phone numbers and email addresses (home etc.).
- Proceed to the next page by choosing the appropriate button (‘I am a US citizen’, ‘I am NOT a US citizen’).
- When you get to the page that specifies ‘Type of Account’.
- Be sure to select ‘Quarterly’.
- Your project’s PI name is Paul Messina.
- Your project PI’s email address is
- Click ‘Proceed to next step’.
- Select the appropriate resource based on the project you selected earlier for ATPESC choose Mira, Vesta and Cooley.
- Read through the Argonne National Lab Computer User Agreement, then
click ‘Submit’.