ALCF User Accounts Registration

Please follow the steps provided to request a user account at the ALCF:

  1. Please go to and click on ‘Request an account’.
  2. Click ‘Proceed with account request’.
  3. Select the appropriate radio button, input your email address, then click ‘Proceed to next step’.
  4. When prompted to search for an existing account, please enter the relevant information, then hit ‘search’ to look for an existing user account.
  5. If no existing user account is found, hit ‘Continue with Account Request’.
  6. If you find an existing user account that needs to be reactivated, please fill out the form on the page, then hit the ‘Submit Reactivation Request’.
  7. From the ‘Project Information’ page select ‘ATPESC 2014′ then scroll to the bottom of the page, and click ‘Proceed to next step’.
  8. Follow the steps outlined within the account request form, making sure ALL personal information is filled in thoroughly and accurately.
  9. Please include any alternate addresses, phone numbers and email addresses (home etc.).
  10. Proceed to the next page by choosing the appropriate button (‘I am a US citizen’, ‘I am NOT a US citizen’).
  11. When you get to the page that specifies ‘Type of Account’.
    • Be sure to select ‘Quarterly’.
    • Your project’s PI name is Paul Messina.
    • Your project PI’s email address is
    • Click ‘Proceed to next step’.
  12. Select the appropriate resource based on the project you selected earlier for ATPESC choose Mira, Vesta and Cooley.
  13. Read through the Argonne National Lab Computer User Agreement, then
    click ‘Submit’.