Call for Applications to ATPESC 2025 is closed
ATPESC provides advanced training to approximately 70 participants. Qualified applicants must have:
- Substantial experience in MPI and/or OpenMP programming. Equivalent experience with Data Science frameworks will also be considered.
- Experience using at least one HPC system for a reasonably complex application.
- Plans to conduct computational science and engineering (CSE) research on large-scale computers.
Anyone who has attended ATPESC in a previous year is not eligible to apply.
Please review the ATPESC FAQs for additional info on the program’s various requirements and restrictions.
The ability to access all supercomputing resources used in this training program is mandatory for participation. For ATPESC, the following restrictions apply to foreign nationals:
- Foreign nationals from countries that appear on a restricted foreign country listing in section 15 CFR 740.7 License Exceptions for Computers (including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria) require a very lengthy approval process for access to DOE supercomputers, which will not complete in time for ATPESC. Therefore, citizens of these countries are not eligible to apply.
- Foreign nationals from countries that are not restricted will need a valid passport, visa, and supporting documents with an expiration date beyond the end of the training program (August 9, 2025). Selected applicants will be provided a letter of invitation for visa purposes if needed.
- Depending on the country of citizenship, the process for approving accounts can take weeks to months, and we cannot guarantee successful approval. Selected applicants whose accounts have not been approved by June 13, 2025, may be unable to participate in ATPESC.
Applicants are expected to be proficient in English to fully take advantage of this training program. However, results from TOEFL/IELTS/PTE examinations are not required.
Applicants must commit to attending the entire program. If they fail to do so, they will be responsible for their travel, lodging, and meal expenses.
***We recommend you subscribe to our mailing list to receive reminders and updates.
- February 6, 2025 – ATPESC 2025 Application Webinar w/Q&A Slides and video here
- March 16, 2025, at 11:59 p.m., Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12) – Deadline to submit applications
- May 15, 2025 – Expected notification of acceptance
- July 27-August 8, 2025 – ATPESC 2025 takes place in the Chicago Area (venue TBA)
***Before applying, we recommend you review the slides and video of our ATPESC 2025 Application Webinar.
Your application must include:
1. Statement of Purpose (SoP)
This document should include your purpose for attending the training program, a description of your computing experience, and your current/future CSE research plans. This part of the application should be no longer than two pages. Please include your First and Last Name, Job Title, and Institution at the top of the document.
- NOTE: The training program’s curriculum is geared for participants with substantial MPI, OpenMP, and/or Data Science framework programming experience who have used an HPC system for a reasonably complex application and have conducted or are preparing to conduct CSE research on large-scale computers. Please describe in detail your previous experience with HPC systems (e.g., size of simulations, kind of systems, experience as user and/or developer, software and solvers used, etc.) and your future CSE plans on leadership-class supercomputers. Specific details about your experience in relation to the Eligibility Criteria are essential to a successful application. Be clear about your personal contributions to any group projects.
2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
The submitted CV must provide all science and technology specialties, all work positions, and current/accurate names of all academic institutions attended and employers with no gaps in time. If you had an extended period of medical or family leave, there is no issue but please list it (personal details are not requested). If your academic/employment timeline is unclear, it may cause delays with your application.
3. Letter of recommendation (LoR)
One letter of recommendation from an advisor, supervisor, or other suitable person. The recommendation should address your experience concerning the eligibility requirements and support the details of your SoP. It should include specific information about your experience and personal contributions to group projects in relation to the Eligibility Criteria above.
- NOTE: if your reference wants to make a confidential recommendation, they should send it directly to before the submission deadline. When ATPESC support staff receive it, they will attach it to your application. Please note that you are responsible for ensuring final submission by the reference. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Please do not include any articles, additional letters, or documents other than the three mentioned above in your application.
When you have compiled all the documents listed above, log in to EasyChair to apply for ATPESC 2025.
Important notes about the EasyChair application form:
- Name: When asked for your name, use your full legal name as it appears on your government-issued photo ID (e.g., passport). Include your middle initial after your first name (or “NMI” if you have no middle initial). Please use standard capitalization. For example:
- First name: “John R.” Last name: “Smith”
- First name: “Mary NMI” Last name: “Johnson”
- Email: Please log in to EasyChair using the best email to reach you. The application will prompt you for an alternate email; you should provide your work email there if you did not use it initially.
- Title: Enter your full name
- Scientific field: Please consult the list at and enter the most appropriate one.
- Complete all other fields as directed, including uploading your pdf files.
- Click on the submit button only once.
Q: How do I know if the ATPESC organizers received my application?
A: After submitting your application on Easy Chair, you should receive an email confirming your submission has been received. Also, when logged into Easy Chair you should see your application listed with the option to edit it. You may edit it until the due date.
If you have any questions, please contact ATPESC staff.