Todd Gamblin, LLNL

Todd Gamblin is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Livermore Computing division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He created and leads the Spack project, a popular open source HPC package management tool with a rapidly growing community of contributors. He also leads cloud collaborations in LLNL’s Advanced Technology Office. In the past, Todd has led the Packaging Technologies Project under the U.S. Exascale Computing Project and an LLNL Strategic Research Initiative on software integration. His research interests include dependency management, software engineering, and parallel computing, performance measurement, and performance analysis.

Todd has been at LLNL since 2008. He received the Early Career Research Award from the U.S. Department of Energy in 2014, an R&D 100 award in 2019, and the LLNL Director’s Science & Technology Award in 2020. He received Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2009 and 2005, and his B.A. in Computer Science from Williams College in 2002.

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