Dr. Kogge’s current research areas include massively parallel processing architectures, advanced VLSI technology and architectures, non van Neumann models of programming and execution, parallel algorithms and applications, and their impact on computer architecture. Since the late 1980s this has focused on single VLSI chip designs integrating both memory and logic into “Processing-in-Memory”(PIM) architectures, direct and efficient software models to support them, and scaling multiple chips to complete systems. This includes not only efficient parallel processing topologies, control strategies, and chip floor plans, but also doing so with inherently low-power CPU architectures, and for a range of real-system applications, from highly scalable deep-space exploration to petaflops-level supercomputing as part of the HTMT project. Other current work is investigating how PIM-like ideas may port into quantum cellular array logic, where instead of “Processing-in-Memory” we have opportunities for “Processing-in-Wire.”