[ 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 ] |
ATPESC 2019 |
07/29/2019 |
Protein Dynamics in Cellular Environments |
Rommie Amaro, UC San Diego |
07/30/2019 |
The Coming Age of Extreme Heterogeneity |
Jeffrey Vetter, ORNL |
07/31/2019 |
Scientific Applications and Heterogeneous Architectures – Data Analytics and the Intersection of HPC and Edge Computing |
Michela Taufer, UT Knoxville |
08/01/2019 |
The Parallel Computing Revolution is Only Half Over |
Rob Schreiber, Cerebras |
08/02/2019 |
Exploring the Dark Universe |
Katrin Heitmann, ANL |
08/05/2019 |
DreamWorks Animation |
Mark Jackels, Dreamworks Animation |
08/06/2019 |
The Apollo Guidance Computer: When 100 Flops/Watt was a Giant Leap |
Mark Miller, LLNL |
08/07/2019 |
Coding The Continuum |
Ian Foster, ANL / UChicago |
08/08/2019 |
Quantum Computing Trends |
Yuri Aleeksev, ANL |
ATPESC 2018 |
07/29/2018 |
Life on the Bleeding Edge |
Susan Coghlan, ANL |
07/30/2018 |
Navigating Changing Risk from Extreme Events |
Rao Kotamarthi, ANL |
07/31/2018 |
Hardware/Software Co-Design for High Performance Interconnects for Extreme-Scale Systems |
Ron Brightwell, SNL |
08/01/2018 |
Designing a New Poisson Solver for Exascale Architectures |
Phil Colella, LBNL |
08/02/2018 |
Building things: Spack, Software, and Sustainable Communities in HPC |
Todd Gamblin, LLNL |
08/03/2018 |
Revisiting Two Influential Papers in the History of Computational Physics |
Andrew Siegel, ANL |
08/07/2018 |
Volumetric Snapshot 3D Imaging |
Nicola Ferrier, ANL |
08/08/2018 |
Is AI As Intelligent As It Thinks It Is? |
Ira Goldberg, ANL |
08/09/2018 |
Visual Computing at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory |
Liz Marai, UIC |
ATPESC 2017 |
07/30/2017 |
Revolution in Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering |
Ed Seidel, NCSA, Director, UIUC |
07/31/2017 |
A Vision for Exascale: Simulation, Data and Learning |
Rick Stevens, ANL |
08/01/2017 |
Evolution of MATLAB |
Cleve Moler, Mathworks |
08/02/2017 |
Stone Age of the Internet of Things |
Francine Berman, RPI |
08/03/2017 |
NASA Advanced Computing Environment for Science & Engineering |
Rupak Biswas, NASA |
08/04/2017 |
Data Intensive Computing, the 3rd Wall, and the Need for Innovation in Architecture |
Peter M. Kogge, University of Notre Dame |
08/08/2017 |
Big Data Analytics: The Apache Spark Approach |
Michael Franklin, UChicago |
08/09/2017 |
Managing Defects in HPC Software Development |
Tom Evans, ORNL |
08/10/2017 |
Big Data Brain Maps at Argonne National Laboratory |
Narayanan (Bobby) Kasthuri, ANL |
ATPESC 2016 |
07/31/2016 |
A Path to Capable Exascale Computing |
Paul Messina, ANL |
08/01/2016 |
Addressing National Problems with Exascale Applications, Application Development Plans in the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) |
Douglas Kothe, ORNL |
08/02/2016 |
CFD, PDEs and HPC – A Thirty Year Perspective |
Paul Fischer, UIUC |
08/03/2016 |
The End of Water as We Know It |
Seth Darling, ANL |
08/04/2016 |
Reconfigurable Computing: And Ingredient of Post-Moore Scientitic Computing? |
Franck Cappello, ANL |
08/05/2016 |
(Panel) HPC X GAMES Or Experiences in going to eXtreme Scale in HPC Computing |
FASTMath Team |
08/08/2016 |
HPC Complete: Reproducible, Sustainable, Productive |
Mike Heroux, SNL |
08/09/2016 |
Perspective from NCSA |
Gabrielle Allen, UIUC |
08/10/2016 |
Computers, Visual Effects and the Magic of Movies |
Jamie Dixon, Hammerhead Productions, Inc. |
08/11/2016 |
Pushing the Frontiers of Atomistic Modeling Towards Predictive Materials Design |
Subramanian Sankaranarayanan, ANL |
ATPESC 2015 |
08/02/2015 |
Computational Urban Sciences |
Charlie Catlett, ANL |
08/03/2015 |
Exascale Architecture Trends |
Pete Beckman, ANL |
08/04/2015 |
Next Generation Energy Storage: Beyond Lithium Ion |
George Crabtree, ANL |
08/05/2015 |
Introduction to OpenACC |
Nikolai Sakharnykh, NVIDIA |
08/06/2015 |
The Computing Challenges Facing High Energy Physics |
Robert Roser, Fermilab |
08/07/2015 |
Perspectives on Teaming from the DOE National Labs |
Lori Diachin, LLNL |
08/10/2015 |
Internal Combustion Engine Simulations: From Desktop – Cluster – Supercomputing |
Sibendu Som, ANL |
08/11/2015 |
Why are Supercomputers Hard to Use? |
Katherine Riley, ANL |
08/12/2015 |
Python for High Performance Computing |
William Scullin, ANL |
08/13/2015 |
Computational Science and Cinema |
Marius Stan, ANL |
ATPESC 2014 |
08/04/2014 |
Exascale Architecture Trends |
Pete Beckman, ANL |
08/05/2014 |
Toward an “Urban Science” |
Charlie Catlett, ANL |
08/06/2014 |
Exascale, Data and Biology |
Rick Stevens, ANL |
08/07/2014 |
The Big Gift of Big Data |
Valerio Pascucci, Univ. of Utah |
08/08/2014 |
Perspectives on Teaming from the DOE National Labs |
Lori Diachin, LLNL |
08/11/2014 |
Massive Parallelism in Economics and Climate Change |
Yongyang Cai, Stanford Univ. |
08/12/2014 |
How to Stuff a Supercomputer inside a Laptop |
Salman Habib, ANL |
08/13/2014 |
Supercomputing: The Coming Decade |
Mark Snir, ANL |
08/14/2014 |
Vis Trails – Using Provenance and Workflows for Scientific Exploration |
David Koop, New York Univ. |
ATPESC 2013 |
07/28/2013 |
Architecting for Exascale |
Tryggve Fossum, Intel Corp. |
07/29/2013 |
Grid, Cloud, and Beyond: What we have learned about computing on demand |
Ian Foster, ANL / UChicago |
![width=240]() |
07/30/2013 |
Petascale Post-doctoral Computing or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Blow Up Stars |
Sean Couch, UChicago |
07/31/2013 |
Large-Scale Visual Analysis |
Chris Johnson, Univ. of Utah |
08/01/2013 |
Scientific Computing while Supercomputing |
Aron Ahmadia, Continuum Analytics |
08/02/2013 |
Perspectives on Teaming from the DOE National Labs |
Lori Diachin, LLNL |
08/05/2013 |
Dawn of the Era of Quantum Computation |
Bob Lucas, USC-ISI |
08/06/2013 |
Urban Center for Computation and Data |
Charlie Catlett, ANL |
08/07/2013 |
Argonne National Laboratory: Innovative Research in the National Interest |
Mark Peters, ANL |
08/08/2013 |
Big Data + Extreme-scale Time to Compute -> Actionable Insights |
Alok Choudhary, Northwestern Univ. |