Agenda 2024

[ Introductions | Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Tour | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 ]
SUNDAY, July 28, 2024
1:00PM Registration opens.        
2:00PM Welcome and Introduction to ATPESC Ray Loy, ANL      
2:30PM Quick Start on ATPESC Computing Resources JaeHyuk Kwack, ANL      
4:30PM Participant Introductions All      
6:30PM Adjourn/Dinner        
MONDAY, July 29, 2024

Track 1 – Hardware Architectures

8:30AM Overview Vitali Morozov, ANL      
8:40AM Frontier Exascale Architecture – AMD MI250x and HPE Slingshot John Holmen, ORNL      
9:25AM Aurora Exascale Architecture – Intel Data Center GPU Max Series, DAOS and HPE Slingshot Servesh Muralidharan, ALCF      
10:15AM Open Discussion Vitali Morozov and Kumar, ANL      
10:30AM Break        
11:00AM NVIDIA H100 and Grace Hopper Architecture Giri Chukkapalli, NVIDIA      
11:45AM Advancing Scientific Machine Learning with AI Accelerators in ALCF AI Testbed Murali Emani and Varuni Katti Sastry, ANL      
12:30PM-1:30PM Lunch        

Track 2 – Programming Models

Part A: GPUs

1:30PM-3:30PM Low Level Models Thomas Applencourt, and Nathan Nichols      
3:30PM-4:00PM Break        
4:00PM-6:30PM OpenMP        

Track 2 – Programming Models

Part B: OpenMP

4;00PM-4:30PM Introduction: Parallel Programming and the OpenMP Common Core Tim Mattson, ANL      
6:30PM-7:30PM Dinner        
7:30PM Dinner Speaker Valerie Taylor, ANL      
9:00PM Adjourn        
TUESDAY, July 30, 2024

Track 2 – Programming Models and Languages

Part 2B: OpenMP (continued)

8:30AM Task-level parallelism in OpenMP: The Divide and Conquer Patter Tim Mattson, Intel      
10:00AM Break        
10:30AM Beyond the common core: More Worksharing and synchronization … plus threadprivate Tim Mattson, Intel      
12:30PM-1:30 Lunch        
1:30PM Wrapping up the CPU and transitioning to GPU-programming Tim Mattson, Intel      
3:30PM Break        
4:00PM Explicit Data Movement and basic principles of GPU optimization/td> Tim Mattson, Intel      
1:30PM Task-level parallelism in OpenMP:  The Divide and Conquer Pattern Tim Mattson, Intel      
5:30PM Detailed control of the GPU … and comparisons to other GPU programming models Tim Mattson, Intel      
6:30-7:30 Dinner        
7:30-8:30 Dinner Speaker Efficient Computation through Tuned Approximation Jack Dongarra, UT      
9:00 Adjourn        
WEDNESDAY, July 31, 2024

Track 2 – Programming Models

Part C: MPI

8:30AM Introduction, Unintended Synchronization, Collectives and Nonblocking Collectives, Hands-on Yanfei Guo, ANL
Ken Raffenetti, ANL
10:00AM Break        
10:30AM Derived Datatypes, Introduction to RMA, Hands-on Ken Raffenetti, ANL
Hui Zhou, ANL
12:30PM Lunch
1:30PM RMA continued, Introduction to Hybrid Programming, Hands-on Yanfei Guo, ANL
Hui Zhou, ANL
3:00PM Break
3:30PM Hybrid Programming with Threads and GPUs, Hands-on Hui Zhou, ANL      
5:00PM Continue hands-on        
6:30PM Dinner        
7:30PM Networking event [No dinner speaker] Arvind Ramanathan, ANL      
THURSDAY, August 1, 2024

Track 2 – Programming Models and Languages

Part D: SYCL and Kokkos

8:30AM-10:00AM Kokkos Bruno Turcksin, ORNL      
10:00AM-10:30AM Break        
10:30AM-12:30PM Kokkos (continued)        
12:30PM-1:30PM Lunch        
1:30PM-3:30PM SYCL Thomas Applencourt, ANL
Abhishek Bagusetty, ANL
3:30PM-4:00PM Break        
4:00PM-6:30PM SYCL (continued)        
6:30PM-7:30PM Dinner        
7:30PM Dinner speaker Mike Papka, ANL      
8:30PM Adjourn        
FRIDAY, August 2, 2024
  Track 3 – Software Productivity and Sustainability        
8:30AM Introduction David E. Bernholdt, ORNL      
8:35AM Motivation and Overview of Best Practices in HPC Software Development David E. Bernholdt, ORNL      
9:15AM Scientific Software Design Anshu Dubey, ANL      
10:00AM Break        
10:30AM Spack: Package Management for HPC Todd Gamblin, LLNL      
11:30AM Spack: Hands-On Todd Gamblin, LLNL      
12:30PM Lunch        
1:30PM Software Testing and Verification Anshu Dubey, ANL      
2:30PM Refactoring Scientific Software Anshu Dubey, ANL      
3:00PM Break        
3:30PM Software Licensing David E. Bernholdt, ORNL and Todd Gamblin, LLNL      
4:30PM Improving Reproducibility Through Better Software Practices David E. Bernholdt, ORNL      
5:30PM Lab Notebooks for Computational Mathematics, Sciences, & Engineering Jared O’Neal, ANL      
6:30PM Adjourn [No dinner speaker; dinner on your own]        
SATURDAY, August 3, 2024


Argonne Tour  – Bus departs Q Center from main entrance

Rotating Tour Stops:

  • Theory and Computing Sciences Data Center
  • ALCF Visualization Lab
  • Nuclear Engineering Exhibit
  • Advanced Photon Source
1:00PM Lunch talk: Argonne’s Nuclear History – In Brief Ting Fei, ANL      
1:30PM Bus departs ANL to return to Q Center.  Also stops at:
MONDAY, August 5, 2024
  Track 4 – Data Analysis and Visualization        
8:30AM (60 minutes) Data Analysis and Visualization Introduction Joseph Insley, ANL/NIU
Silvio Rizzi, ANL
Viktor Mateevitsi, ANL
9:30AM (30 minutes) Large Scale Visualization with ParaView Dan lipsa, Kitware      
10:00AM Break        
10:30AM (60 minutes) Large Scale Visualization with ParaView Dan Lipsa, Kitware      
11:30PM (60 minutes) Visualization and Analysis of HPC Simulation Data with VisIt Cyrus Harrison, LLNL      
12:30PM-1:30PM Lunch        
1:30PM (30 minutes) Visualization and Analysis of HPC Simulation Data with VisIt (Continued) Cyrus Harrison, LLNL      
2:00PM (45 minutes) Exploring Visualization with Jupyter Notebooks David Koop, NIU      
2:45PM (60 minutes) Ascent Cyrus Harrison, LLNL      
3:45PM Break        
4:15PM (30 minutes) Trame Patrick Avery, Kitware      
4:45PM (45 minutes) NOODLES Nicholas Brunhart-Lupo, NREL      
5:30PM Hands-on        
6:30PM Dinner        
7:30PM After-dinner talk Brad Carvey, Sandia      
9:00PM Adjourn        
TUESDAY, August 6, 2024

Track 5 – Numerical Algorithms and Software for Extreme-Scale Science

8:30AM Introduction to Numerical Software Ulrike Yang, LLNL      
9:30AM Parallel Session One        
  Andrew Myers, LBNL
Weiqun Zhang, LBNL

Mark Shephard, RPI
Cameron Smith, RPI
Vladimir Tomov, LLNL


Break.  Subject Matter Expert (SME) selections, Panel Questions

11:15AM Parallel Session Two        

Daniel Osei-Kuffuor, LLNL
Ulrike Yang, LLNL


Sherry Li, LBL
Pieter Ghysels, LBL

12:30PM Lunch.  Subject Matter Expert (SME) selections
Panel Questions
1:30PM Parallel Session Three        
  Toby Issac, ANL      
  David Gardner, LLNL      
2:45PM Break: SME Selections
Panel Questions Due
3:15PM Parallel Session Four        
  Todd Munson, ANL      
  Christian Glusa, SNL
Graham Harper, SNL
4:30PM Wrap-up Toby Isaac, LBNL      
4:45PM Extreme-Scale Numerical Algorithms and Software (Panel) Todd Munson, ANL
Daniel Osei-Kuffuor, LLNL
Vladimir Tomov, LLNL
Sherry Li, LBNL>
5:30PM Unstructured time: SME selections due, break, informal discussion, continued hands-on        
6:30PM Dinner        
7:30PM Optional Activity: SME speed-dating        
WEDNESDAY, August 7, 2024
  Track 6 – Performance Tools and Debuggers        
8:30AM-8:40AM Introduction of Tools Track        
8:40AM-9:50AM Linaro Tool        
9:50-10:10AM Break        
10:10AM-11:20AM TotalView        
11:20AM-12:30PM Intel        
12:30PM-1:30PM Lunch        
1:30PM-2:40PM NVIDIA        
2:40PM-3:50PM AMD        
3:50PM-4:10PM PM Break        
4:10PM-5:20PM HPCToolkit        
5:20PM-6:30PM Tau        
6:30PM-7:30PM Dinner in cafeteria        
7:30PM-8:30PM Dinner speaker Jim Demmel, UC Berkeley      
8:30PM-9:30PM Hands-on (Linaro, TotalView, Intel, NVIDIA, AMD, HPCToolkit, Tau        
THURSDAY, August 8, 2024
  Track 7 – I/O        
8:30AM Welcome and Introduction Phil Carns, ANL      
8:40AM Principles of HPC I/O Phil Carns, ANL      
9:10AM Survey of HPC storage systems Mike Brim, ORNL      
10:00AM Break        
10:30AM Deep dive: example HPC storage system Mike Brim, ORNL      
11:00AM Darshan introduction Shane Snyder, ANL      
11:30AM Globus Greg Nawrocki, U Chicago      
12:30PM Lunch        
1:30PM MPI-IO Rob Latham, ANL      
2:00PM Parallel-NetCDF Rob Latham, ANL      
2:45PM HDF5 part 1 Scot Breitenfeld, THG      
3:15PM Break        
3:45PM HDF5 part 2 Scot Breitenfeld, THG      
4:15PM Understanding and tuning performance Shane Snyder, ANL      
5:15PM Discussion and hands-on prep        
5:30PM Hands-on session        
6:30PM Dinner        
7:30PM Dinner speaker David Keyes, KAUST      
9:00PM Adjourn        
FRIDAY, August 9, 2024

Track 8 – Machine Learning

8:30AM Welcome and Introduction Marieme Ngom, ALCF      
8:40AM Transition time: splitting into groups (people new to deep learning vs. more experienced)        
8:45AM Parallel Session, Part 1 (talk/hands on)        
  • Main room: Introduction to deep learning
Bethany Lusch, ALCF      
  • Breakout room: Building data pipelines for deep learning
Taylor Childers, ALCF      
10:00AM Break        
10:30AM Parallel Session, Part 2 (talk/hands on)        
  • Main room: Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)
Archit Vasan, ALCF      
  • Breakout room: Training LLMs at Scale
Taylor Childers, ANL
Sam Foreman, ANL
11:45AM Transition time: back to main room        
12:00PM Research talk: AI Safety and Evaluation Sandeep Madireddy, MCS      
12:30PM Lunch        
1:30PM Research talk: Trifecta: Automation, AI Foundation Models and Synthetic Biology Applications Arvind Ramanathan, DSL      
2:00PM Distributed Deep Learning (talk/hands on) Huihuo Zheng, ACLF      
3:00PM Break        
3:30PM AI Testbed (talk/hands on) Varuni Sastry, ALCF      
5:00PM Close out/Exam        
6:00PM Adjourn Note: Dinner on your own